Implementation & Self-realization
It all comes down to taking action. Too often, we get stuck before the point of successful implementation. ONEDAY can help you achieve self-realization and move from thinking to doing, so you can turn your ideas into tangible results.
Learn to Embrace the “What!”
Feeling trapped in optimization loops but not seeing any real results? Then it’s time to bring your visions to life with successful implementation.
Team up with ONEDAY to develop a mindset that helps you to take action and let your ideas work for you. Join a ONEDAY session on the “What!” topic to kick-start a positive implementation spiral: You’ll develop a keener sense of perception, advance your thinking patterns and action plans, and reinforce your personal resources. These positive emotions will be mutually reinforcing and boost motivation. Plus, you’ll see your plans come to fruition.
65% of all change plans fail. Don't get stuck in the planning stage. Let your actions take center stage and you’ll be seen as a doer. Watch trust levels rise as you say what you do and do what you say. Championing integrity also allows you to address awkward issues, enabling you to extract the best ideas.
Recommended Reading
Atomic Habits by James Clear, Penguin
Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth, Simon & Schuster
Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel Pink, Riverhead Books
Your Journey to Implementation & Self-realization
Our most effective solutions to your challenge: These ONEDAY sessions have proven to be very effective in practice.
ONEDAY Strategy into Action
Your Challenge
Good intentions are only good if they yield results. That means taking action is an excellent skill. Your destination is clear, but what about the path toward it? Take the path of self-realization and ensure you realize your goals – with a ONEDAY Strategy into Action session.Our Service
You and your guide will discover what those of us in leadership development call the “individual zone of optimal functioning,” i.e. the area where you can work effectively either individually or as a team. If, through self-realization, you learn what truly drives you, you’ll be able to make an impact because you’ll know what makes an impact on you. You’ll work with your guide to develop a “cockpit for success” that will consistently put the focus on people. You’ll clarify how you’ll deal with any setbacks or stagnation and learn from them.
Your Success
After spending a day with us, you’ll be familiar with the setting and the type of support you need to achieve your goals. This way, you’ll be investing in multiple skills to achieve your power of self-realization via a ONEDAY Strategy into Action session.
Who ONEDAY Is Designed For
We believe in creating a society where everyone takes action to enhance themselves and the world around them. That is why ONEDAY is aimed at individuals as well as top performers and organizations from business, sport and administration.
Experience development steps and solutions with ONEDAY in three different sessions and combine them into an expedition as required.
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