About us
A person who can change themselves, can change the world.
That’s why we believe in creating a society where everyone takes action to enhance themselves and the world around them.
Our Mission
When crucial goals suddenly seem unattainable or are in doubt, ONEDAY empowers people, teams and organisations to forge ahead:
within a single tailored day, backdropped by inspiring settings, and supported by one of our qualified guides.
For lasting personal, professional, and strategic paths forward.
Our Values
Identifying and pursuing paths – ONEDAY
We have the courage to venture down our own path and encourage others to hold themselves accountable; to be able to do something instead of having to; to be able to say “no” as well as “yes.”
We empower people to take self-fulfilling action over the long term.
We accept people as they are.
We are honest and always sympathetic sparring partners.
We believe in the power of positive change. We are experts in transforming mindsets, leading to visible and tangible results.
ONEDAY style
Impact is at the heart of our actions. To create impact, we blend science-backed and proven organizational development methods with techniques from positive psychology and systematic, solutions-focused coaching, and we use the power of nature as a judgment-free space. A pioneering spirit also flows through our work: We support people as they teeter on the edge of their comfort zones – and step outside them.
Instead of optimization and change, which requires constant training, we strive to trigger a lasting transformation in our clients. Our aim is to become superfluous: This lets our clients become the owners of their solutions and generate their desired results for the rest of their lives, with greater clarity, better thinking, and more effective leadership.
In addition to our holistic take on people and systems, feedback is an essential part of our personal development. We’re always reviewing our quality standards: during and at the end of the day, and in follow-up meetings.
Our Story
We are confident that transformation in the outside world can only come through inner growth. Since 2010, we have thus been doing pioneering work to bring about positive transformation in individuals, teams, and companies – with exceptional results to show for it.
Developing the ONEDAY methodology has made us the first coaching brand to integrate nature, exercise, and time into a holistic and transformative experience.
The idea is born
After an intense mountain trek, Thomas realizes that it’s not the 4,000-meter-high mountain that was his guest's highlight, but one conversation in particular. So, Thomas decides to make it possible for anyone to experience nature alongside an honest conversation.2009
The Proof of Concept
Christian Maurer's winning strike at the X-Alps is an impressive feat that proves the impact of a free mindset and positive psychology.2010
ONEDAY is established
Chrigel and Thomas give a presentation at TEDXZurich – and see just how ready the world is for their effective service forged by spending time in nature, exercising, and practicing positive psychology.2015
ONEDAY extreme
Yachtsman Boris Herrmann and his Team Malizia prepare extensiveley with ONEDAY for the worlds toughtest regatta: the Vendée Globe.2016
Quality assurance
4 times a year, a team day is held to ensure ONEDAY guides live up to its quality standards and unique offering. This is a chance for the guides to experience followership for themselves, a part of good guiding.2018
Expansion of our sphere of activity
ONEDAY becomes a standard of leadership partner for Unilever. Solution-focused guiding works across cultures, industries, and hierarchies.2022
Our trademark is registered
It’s official: ONEDAY is registered as a trademark.