Communication & Leadership
Excellent results don’t happen by chance. Companies and organizations don’t get results without internal cohesion developed through intentional teambuilding. Leverage strong leadership and real team spirit, without fail, to bring home team wins.
The Power of “We”
Clear roles and clear communication for successful leadership are the keys to trust and success. They promote growth and retain qualified staff and talents. Structures that have been forged organically and over time could be obstacles to change.
Through intentional teambuilding, a team can learn how to communicate effectively and develop an understanding for this way of working, opening up entirely new dimensions. In a ONEDAY workshop on the topic of “We,” you’ll learn how to adapt our expertise in sports psychology to your business and management playing fields, building your teams to be the best they can be.
Excellent results don’t happen by chance. Encourage individuals to be motivated and organizations to learn – and work with ONEDAY to build a team where every member is an asset.
Recommended Reading
The Secrets behind the All Blacks, Rugby and Leadership: What We Can Learn from the Success Story of New Zealand’s Rugby Team. Tips for Leadership Behavior and Employees, James Kerr, Copress
Reinventing Organizations – A Guide to Shaping Meaningful Forms of Teamwork, Frederic Laloux, Vahlen
The Colleague-Led Company – Ideas and Practical Tips for Tomorrow’s Agile Organization, Bernd Oestereich & Claudia Schröder, Vahlen
Your Journey to Communication & Leadership
Our most effective solutions to your challenges: These ONEDAY sessions that build on your communication for leadership have proven to be very effective in practice.
The ONEDAY High-Performance Team
Your Challenge
Ever wondered what your team could achieve if it didn’t just pursue goals, but worked together to redraw the boundaries?Invest a day in a ONEDAY High-Performance Team teambuilding session and discover a multi-layered ROI by unlocking the power of your team's synergies.
Our Service
During a ONEDAY High-Performance Team session, you’ll work together on a guided process to evolve into a more effective team. Your guide will help you to identify the key elements that enable the team to achieve major wins as the sum of individual team members’ contributions.We’ll clarify the value of efficiency and consistency: As a leader, how do you put a positive spin on pushing limits for your teams? By developing your communication for leadership, you can in turn encourage respectful and open dialog, and an effective way of dealing with errors which, over the long term, will increase your organizational skills and let you be more accountable. We’ll give you all the tools you need to define clear roles, delegate like a pro, manage expectations, and communicate it all for successful leadership.
Your Success
Boost your efficacy and engagement – and find out how a ONEDAY High-Performance Team session can help you leverage diversity in order to remain innovative and adaptable.ONEDAY Re-Connect
Ihre Challenge
If you notice that you tend to work against each other instead of with each other, and conflicts tend to break out frequently, a ONEDAY Re-Connect session is just what you need to help you and your teams with resolving conflicts. We’ll help you to restore trust and foster constructive teamwork.Our Service
No matter whether you sit on a political committee, work on a team of senior doctors, or in a family-run business, our guides will help you to create a safe space that enables teambuilding through open and dignified conversation. Our methods lay the groundwork for people to listen to and respect each other, resolve conflicts, and still continue working together effectively even if their values don’t align. We do this by restoring solid communication, relieving the emotional burden, and making binding commitments.Your Success
Particularly in times of high tension, intense pressure, and strong media presence, we’ll help you to act more professionally toward others by focusing on common goals – regardless of individual viewpoints. Through teambuilding, we will give you and your teams powerful tools for resolving conflicts and truly re-connecting for success.
Who ONEDAY Is Designed For
We believe in creating a society where everyone takes action to enhance themselves and the world around them. That is why ONEDAY is aimed at individuals as well as top performers and organizations from business, sport and administration.
Experience development steps and solutions with ONEDAY in three different sessions and combine them into an expedition as required.
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